For as long as I can remember planning to lead and leading corporate worship was something  of a magic show.  TA DA…see all these songs, hear how good they sound, ooohh and ahhh over the fresh arrangements and marvel at how you are led into a deep, emotional experience with God.  All the while hoping that a little dog doesn’t come over and rip away the curtain to reveal the tiny man behind all the smoke and mirrors…”PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN”!  Several months ago things began to change in how I prepare and lead music in our corporate worship setting.  Being heavily influenced by the Reformers, the regulative principle, liturgy, and most recently Mike Cosper and the Sojourn Church I began to approach this task with humility and joy.  And unlike my “magical” past saw there was much more than putting on a good show.

With all that said I want to begin and, God-willing, keep up this effort for the encouragement and joy of our body and for those who join us in the future.  Each week on Thursday I will release a post entitled “Preparing to Gather”.  This post will provide the sermon text and most, if not all, the songs we will sing that week.  As you prepare your hearts through prayer and the reading of Scripture and singing my hope is that these songs will permeate the walls of our homes and our hearts and we can come together on Sunday and teach and admonish and encourage one another with the Bible-drenched, Spirit-filled words on our lips.  We gather with purpose.  We come together as a redeemed family spurring one another along in the mission of God.  The songs we sing help us glorify God as we testify to one another about who He is and what He’s done.  We are seeking to structure the service in an arc based on the story of the gospel (creation, fall, redemption, and restoration), rather than some emotional arc.

This week we will continue through our study of the book of Colossians.  Pastor Jonathan will preach from Colossians 2:16-23.

We will be singing a few familiar songs and learning a new song.  The new song “Not In Me” is one that I believe our church, and every church, needs to sing…we need more songs of repentance among us because as we gaze at the majesty and glory of God we see how truly sinful and wretched we are and all the more how rich a treasure we possess in the gift of Christ.  This song was written for the Gospel Coalition‘s project “Songs for the Book of Luke” and more information can be found here.

We will sing:

10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)

Not In Me

In Christ Alone

Psalm 62

See you Sunday!